Someone Is Tracking You On Your Smartphone, And This Is How You Know.

Keep Your Phone Safe From Others


Depending on where you live, what you do for a living, and where you hang out, the chances of your phone getting into the hands of someone ‘evil’ are quite unusual. But there is the occasional person that may just want to know your day-to-day activities for some reason or other, who will do that by using your equipment. So keep your enemies close, but your devices closer.

Remember The iCloud Catastrophe?


Remember all the nude photos of celebrities that suddenly started popping up everywhere? That was the fault of the iCloud issue. And although the idea that your information is virtually floating up in the air is pretty cool, it also makes it a much easier target for hackers to get into your account and reach all your personal information. So think twice before you decide exactly what you put ‘up there.’ No matter how safe Apple may claim it is, we all know that that’s not the actual truth.

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