30 Things That You Should Never, Ever Search on Google

Source: https://www.lawtechnologytoday.org

A lot of people spend a good amount of time surfing on the internet, watching hilarious viral videos, searching for the latest gossip, or checking out profiles on the different social media platforms available on the web. But unknown to most, the web isn’t only about things that make us feel warm and fuzzy all over.

The amount of information available online is staggering, and what’s amazing is that all of it is accessible with one quick click of the mouse, or one swipe of the screen. Impressive as it is, the internet is full of sites that will shock you to your core, and we’re not just talking about fake news here. Upsetting and otherwise gruesome content can easily find their way onto your screens, and if you are unprepared, the sites on which they appear on will surely give you some serious nightmares.

Knowing what to stay away from while searching on the net could save you from the horror of seeing these sites, which is why we have compiled a list of things that you should never, ever, try to Google.

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