This 27 Year Old Woman Traveled To 196 Countries… And She Did It In Only 18 Months

Meeting With People From All Over The World To Talk Peace


She goes on to say, “The best way I know what to do that is to travel the world and meet with the leaders who can help me raise awareness. Unfortunately, some do not pursue their dreams out of fear; fear of finances, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown. I have fears too, but I use those fears as motivation rather than an excuse.”

Her Very Long Journey


Aside from the few items that she was sure to travel with at all times, she also had this map to guide her, as well as for her to record the places she has been and seen. It has an incredible number of markings, writing and basic mapping of where she had gone and where she was planning to go next. She said, “I choose to live my life in a unique way. To live an iconic, low key lifestyle where I do what I want, when I want, and inspire those along the way.”

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