15 Beers You Need To Stop Drinking Immediately

15. Newcastle Brown Ale


As the bottle tells us, Newcastle Brown Ale is imported from England, and it has a rich, alluring color to it. However, this color is a sign of the horrible ingredients that have been put into the beer. This beer has been found to have caramel coloring in it. Class 3 and 4 caramel coloring, which is made from ammonia, is a carcinogen—or in other words, something that can cause cancer or foster cancerous cells. Since alcohol is a carcinogen in and of itself, adding more to the mix is not a good idea, especially if you’re one to indulge in multiple brews over the course of an afternoon.


14. Budweiser


Budweiser—also known as the “King of Beers”—is one of the most popular mass-produced beers in North America, and it is a sponsor of major athletic events and leagues like the NFL. As such, most beer drinkers have probably had one of these at one time or another. Budweiser, though, is made with genetically modified corn (GMO). Since its rise in the 1980s, as the biotechnology behemoth, Monsanto, began to genetically modify corn to withstand herbicides without a drop off in crop supply, GMO corn has been linked to a host of health problems. It encourages the overdevelopment of a white blood cell called eosinophil, which, when overproduced, attacks our bodies’ organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems, and skin. As such, people should avoid consuming too much GMO corn.

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