15 Beers You Need To Stop Drinking Immediately

7. Blue Moon Belgian White


This brew’s calorie count isn’t outrageous, but it’s not going to help you lose your beer belly. With 164 calories per beer and a whopping 13 grams of carbohydrates, you’ll want to save your caloric intake for a healthier beer that may even taste better.


6. Guinness


Guinness is everyone’s favorite stout beer and has long been praised for its smoothness as a stout. Many drinkers swear by Guinness and won’t touch a drop of anything else. Guinness might not be the healthiest choice, though, for reasons you may not suspect. Apparently, Guinness contains isinglass, an ingredient derived from fish bladders. So, next time you take a sip of the richly dark brew, think about whether or not it pairs well with, well, fish.

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