15 Beers You Need To Stop Drinking Immediately

9. Michelob Ultra


Michelob Ultra is another beer that ceaselessly intrudes upon our lives via commercials on television. Unfortunately for Michelob Ultra drinkers, this beer contains GMO dextrose, another genetically-modified sweetener akin to corn syrup. GMO dextrose can play tricks with your blood sugar and lead to the same kinds of ailments that GMO corn can lead to. Since beer is already high in calories, drinkers should beware of consuming anything that might seriously affect their blood sugar levels.


8. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale


Yes, it’s delicious. But that should just give you more reason to take a close look at its calorie count, which is at a high 175, and its carbohydrate count, which is at 14 grams. If this beer flows down your throat like water, save it for a special occasion when it’s okay to indulge. (Don’t even think about driving.) And of course, if you do drink more than you should, at least make sure you’re working those extra calories off with regular exercise.

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