9 Young Hikers Disappear In The Mountains Without Explanation – Police Finally Reveal Details

Could It Have Been A Predator?

Source: https://thecloakedhedgehog.files.wordpress.com/

It was recorded that some of the bodies were found almost in a line, around 200 yards from one another. But what was noticeable about this fact was it suggested that they were trying to run away from something. Being out in the wilderness, it was possible that maybe bears had gone after them since food was scarce in that area, hence why it was named “Death Valley” in the first place. And who knows what else could have possibly been out there?

Was It Aliens?

Source: http://dyatlov-pass.com

A number of students, natives, military personnel and geologists also claimed that they had seen ‘pulsating orbs’ in January, February and March that year. Even a number of soldiers had shared that that they had seen UFO’s at 6:40 a.m. on February 17, to be exact. Not only had the soldiers said they’d seen floating orbs shining over the Kholat Syakhl area, so did some of the local Mansi hunters in the area. And further still, even some of the members of search and rescue team said they had seen them too. And yet, there was no way to prove this.

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