9 Young Hikers Disappear In The Mountains Without Explanation – Police Finally Reveal Details

The Haunting Discoveries

Source: http://deadmountainbook.com

That’s when the search and rescue team members noticed 9 pairs of footprints fleeing in the snow. It looked like the 9 hikers were running away from something, and running away in a hurry. The prints went downhill for about 1.5 kilometers before disappearing. And this is when they saw 2 bodies laying near the woods. They were the bodies of Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko. And what was weirder was that they were only wearing their underwear.

Trying To Figure Out What Had Happened

Source: https://media.bizarrepedia.com

Aside from the 2 Yuri’s, they also found the body of Igor Dyatlov around 350 meters away from their’s. Then a search and rescue dog sniffed out Zinaida Kolmogorova, who was found buried 4-inches beneath the snow. Then after her, the dog found Rustem Slobidin’s frozen body next. They were the first 5 of the hikers that were discovered.

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