9 Young Hikers Disappear In The Mountains Without Explanation – Police Finally Reveal Details

Where Were They?

Source: http://deadmountainbook.com

Considering the group of 9 had set out on January 25, and it was already February 20, it was notable that they had been gone for almost a month. That was a long time to be out in negative 22 to 24-degree weather. A number of search and rescue teams went out into the wilderness in search of the group, and finally found them on February 26 after looking for them for 6 days. But they were not prepared for the obvious horror that that they were about to see.

An Abandoned Camp Site

Source: https://img.rt.com

The first thing that the search party saw was a tent, and curiously, there was no one inside. Strangely, it would seem that the hikers had left practically all their belongings behind, too. Waterproof jackets and winter clothes, blankets and boots, basically the clothes that the hikers would be wearing if they were outside the tent. They had also left their cameras, cookware and diaries abandoned inside as well. But the question on everyone’s mind was, ‘Where were the hikers?’ And also, why had the tent been drastically cut open from the inside with a sharp object, rather than exiting it the proper way?

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