How One Incestuous Relationship Ended Up In A Bloodbath

Broken Hearted

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Finally, the nine months had come and gone. Alyssa gave birth to a healthy baby girl whom they named Denise. She loved the little angel with all her life and giving her up was the hardest thing the new mother had to do, but she also knew that this was her only option. “It was so hard to give her up,” she said, “but I had to because I wanted her to live and be happy.”

The Following Years

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In the years that followed, Steven and Alyssa stayed together. Their relationship had endured some of the most difficult times. They had gotten married and started their own family once more. They had two more kids of their own. However, Alyssa still felt the emotional abuse and was constantly walking on eggshells whenever her husband was around. It was far from being a happy marriage.

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