70 Illegally Smuggled North Korea Photos They Don’t Want You To See


A big portion of Pyongyang operates an “alternative suspension of electricity supply” system. It is something like a rotating blackout—when buildings on one side of the street lose power, the other side of the street gets power. If the electricity supply is suspended, however, no heat is available. People who manage to obtain chicken or duck feathers use them to make quilts. They also don layers of underwear and shirts to retain body heat, The Guardian explained.


Western tourists are not allowed to talk to their guides too much about America; they are only allowed to stay in one hotel in Pyongyang; and they are cautioned too often of all the restrictions in taking photos of landmarks and things in the country. They are highly strict towards American tourists, which they can detain for whatever reason and the U.S. would have no diplomatic way to get them out.

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