70 Illegally Smuggled North Korea Photos They Don’t Want You To See


This is another baroque-styled infrastructure in North Korea. People are seen to play sport on an unlikely place to play, linking to possibilities of a staged performance for the foreign tourists passing by. This is actually one of the original governmental ministry buildings, which takes prominent seats within the cityscape, Arch Daily added. And again, as the figure on top of the building suggests, it shows a clear sign of propaganda from the regime about their nationalist ideologies and practices.


Both leaders are seen as demi-gods, as Earth Nutshell described. Portraits of the deceased leaders are required in every house and public place around the country. Putting propaganda in magnanimous infrastructures is one prevalent method of the government to display their power and aggravate their control over the people. Music, literature, and art are other channels of propaganda that are released round the clock which have been very effective for decades.

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