70 Illegally Smuggled North Korea Photos They Don’t Want You To See


Michal said that you have to fill in several of these (above photos) before you can enter the border, Art Sheep recounted. You must have your North Korean visa issued, approved by the Party and of course, a North Korean customs declaration form. They were told that if they bring any porn into the country and they found out about it, they would show it to their travel companions to embarrass them, and then confiscate the device.


One of the few entry points for foreign tourists was deserted when Michal was present. Some sources also say it is the only entry point for foreigners. Euronews reported that the North Koreans in the station were “immaculately-clad” and appear to be rushed about their business as the foreigners’ carriage pulls in. Huniewicz told Euronews, “To me, North Korea was actually worse than what they show on TV”.

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