Police Uncover Disturbing Videos Of Mom On Childhood Friend’s Phone

Was It Drugs?

Source: http://www.dw.com

As with many other instances similar to this one, where nothing seemed to make sense, police had to wonder if Kenny had ever shown signs of drug use and possibly even aggression towards anyone. But Ashley insists that he never showed either of the two, at least to her or her family. She said in her interview, “That’s what we keep asking ourselves, that’s what’s the scariest thing, he literally had no reason to do it.” But apparently, there were things that she just didn’t know about him at all.

Searching Through His Cellphone

Source: https://i.ytimg.com

This was when detectives were going to get the answers they were looking for. Hidden in Kenny’s mobile phone were clues that he had been quite obsessed with Sandy. In fact, it would even look like it was a bit of fatal attraction on his part.

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