She Filed A Restraining Order Against Her Boyfriend… Then 2 Days Before They Were Due In Court, She Goes Missing.

Standing Together For Justice


Rhonda continues, “We are a team and when you have a missing child… People can say they understand how you feel but unless you have another child that’s missing, you don’t. It’s not like any other thing and it’s drawn us closer together and we are like sisters.” She explains further, “Every hour, every day, every minute, we just hope and pray those answers come in and we find our daughters and we are able to the put the dirt bag (Yust) away for the rest of his life so he can’t hurt anyone else again.”

Was He Responsible?

Rhonda Beckford is hopeful that they might finally get more answers in Kara and Jessica’s cases. She says, “Now that he is in custody hopefully they’re interviewing him and getting him to give up and find out where Jessica is and possibly even get some more information about Kara. The Beckford family had even hired their own Private Investigator who also believes that Yust is to blame for both girls’ disappearances. She has expressed, “Both of the girls’ phones were shut off immediately. Both girls look alike, both were young and naïve, the kind that only a coward would try to control through his manipulation.”

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