5 Of The Most Bizarre High-Profile Cases You Need To Know About

Why Her Story Still Remains An Enigma

Source: http://scienceblogs.de

The mystery Isdal Woman, as she has become known, was buried with a Catholic funeral. Despite the heavy release of different sketches and information about her to the public, not a single person came forward to identify her. That was at least until 32 years later in 2002. An unidentified Norwegian man said that, before her death on Nov. 29, he had seen her walking through the Isdalen Valley looking very troubled and confused. But that wasn’t the weirdest part. She was apparently being followed by 2 men in black suits, and despite seemingly wanting to request for help from the other hikers, she never did.

Her Story Has Never Been Solved

Source: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk

The young 27-year old hiker who had supposedly seen her, claims that he tried to report it to the authorities when he saw her. But he was told by INTERPOL, “Forget her, she was dispatched,” but it would seem that he just couldn’t do that. And despite the 47 years since her disappearance, the rest of the world can’t seem to forget her either. Until now, there are still authorities looking into her background, hoping that one day, they will finally figure out the conundrum that is the Isdal Woman.

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