Animals You May Not Have Known Existed

Bhupathy’s Purple Frog


Although this animal hardly looks like its amphibian cousins, it is, in fact, a frog that was discovered in the Western Ghats in India. The frog was named after the Indian herpetologist, Dr. Subramaniam Bhupathy, who passed away in 2014, in the same Western Ghats mountain range the frog was discovered in. Noted for its purple skin, strange pointy nose that makes it look uncannily pig-like, and the blue rings around its eyes, it pretty much lives its entire life underground. It has a long tongue, which it uses to source out termites and ants in order to survive, and it only goes above ground to mate, and keep its species from going into extinction.

Melibe Engeli Sea Slug


Surviving in saltwater seas, this completely exotic sea slug tends to look more like a sea anemone, rather than an actual slug. But once it starts to move around, you’ll realize that it’s much more sophisticated than originally anticipated. It has a bubble-like head that expands when eating, and the rest of its clear tentacle-like arms actually act as its digestive system. Although it may not have any teeth, it can still engulf its food without difficulty. This is definitely one weird creature for the books.

Credits to : imgur | imgur; National Geographic; Press Room VIP; List Verse; Honest To PawsFacebook

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