Child Abandoned On Sinking Ship In The Middle Of Nowhere – Details Finally Revealed 57 Years Later

Scorched and parched


Morning came and the sun’s heat began to beat down on her. There was nothing to protect her against the punishing 85 degrees of heat. To make matters worse, the cork float was starting to come apart, making her even more exposed to dangers, this time from the parrot fish that were lurking below. She was also starting to become dehydrated from the intense heat and absence of drinking water.

A glimmer of hope


The next day Mary Jo spotted a small red plane circling overhead, which she thought could be a rescue plane looking for her. She took off her blouse and frantically waved at the plane with it. When it turned toward her, she thought she’d been spotted. But it flew right past her. It was a glimmer of hope which all of a sudden disappeared.

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