He Rescued This Tiny Creature Without Knowing What It Was… Then, It Grew Into This.

Her Very Own Area

Source: https://i.ytimg.com

The cage seems to be the perfect place to keep Biscuits when she couldn’t be with Jeff. According to him, “She has a big cage and semi free reign of the house when I’m available to supervise. She wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the wild now.” He continues, “She is super friendly to people and not afraid of animals.”

Making Friends With Other Animals

Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk

Even Jeff’s dogs have come to realize that Biscuits is here to stay. In the beginning, he admitted that he was afraid that his dogs might accidentally hurt her. He shared that he was scared that they would do something wrong without meaning to. But now, “I just have to watch them so they don’t accidentally squish her.” It would seem that Biscuits was able to win their hearts over too, just like she did Jeff.

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