He Watched His Sister Walk Into The Woods With Her Boyfriend … Turns Out He Couldn’t Have Been More Wrong

Recanting His Confession

Source: http://media.graytvinc.com

Zach’s brother, Dylan, had purportedly recanted his statement about what he had witnessed and said that he was ‘coerced’ into saying what he did. Some even claim that he was beaten into confessing against all the people involved in the case. Despite that, the other men involved have yet to be given trial dates for their cases while Zachary’s just commenced this September of 2017. He still claims his innocence of any of the crimes he’s being charged for against Holly Bobo until today, even though witnesses say otherwise.

Zach Adams Goes On Trial

Source: http://mediaassets.newschannel5.com

Zach’s trial has had both the prosecution and the defense bringing out a number of witnesses. Where the prosecution has a number of people claiming that Zachary boasted about how he killed Holly, the defense claims that Terry Britt, a convicted sex offender who had been in the area on the same day as Holly’s disappearance, was responsible for her death.

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