She Went Shopping And Had No Idea A Stranger Was Stalking Her. In the Parking Lot She Was Grabbed And Never Seen Again…

At Her Grave


Despite all the years that have passed since her death, her parents are still very emotional when they talk about Kelsey. And in those ten years, they still haven’t gotten rid of all of her belongings in their house. Missey even went on to say, “There’s still a bottle of her shampoo in her bathroom. The little things like that, she’s still here.”

A Beautiful Soul


The words of her father Greg during her memorial service are just as true then as they are now. He said, “She could walk into a room full of strangers and walk out with a room full of friends. Her excitement and passion for life was unmatched. She lived more in 18 years than many people do with a great deal more time.”

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