She Went Shopping And Had No Idea A Stranger Was Stalking Her. In the Parking Lot She Was Grabbed And Never Seen Again…

Edwin R. Hall


As soon as the authorities had more evidence that Kelsey was indeed kidnapped, they decided to put out the information hoping the public could help find the perpetrator. In the first few days, more than 500 tips came in with evidence of who the abductor could be. This also made the police decide to double check Kelsey’s car again, and they found DNA from an unidentified person on the seat belt.

Confirming Her Killer


After double-checking all the evidence, it was found that Edwin Roy Hall was also the suspect in the video surveillance from the Target store. Not only did Hall’s physical attributes match those of the white Caucasian male in his early 20’s with a goatee, his clothing also matched that in the video. Plus, the “suspicious” truck that was noted earlier in the investigation also was seen coming into the parking lot also showed evidence of Hall driving it.

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