A Valentine Gone Awry: How A Woman Loses Her Life On The Day Of Love

Refusing Offers

Photo Source: https://thepianosensei.com

Dobilaite lived with the Leutholds while she gave them piano lessons. However, prosecutors suspected that there was something more. They wrangled and offered her immunity if she allowed the court to put her on the stand. Otherwise, she could have been held in contempt, which meant that she had no choice but to speak. However, she never did admit to an affair.


Photo source: https://media1.s-nbcnews.com

While many believed that Leuthold and Dobilaite were in a relationship, the two consistently said that there was nothing going on between them. The prosecutors were now wondering how they were going to crack the case. Suddenly, another piece of information came their way. It was from an inmate who told jurors that Leuthold had confessed what he did.

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