A Valentine Gone Awry: How A Woman Loses Her Life On The Day Of Love

Someone Else

Photo Source: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk

Hinton further stated that while Leuthold and his wife never went to the spa together, he and Dobilaite were constant companions. This simply fueled the jury’s belief that the two were definitely together. But of course, the alleged mistress denied everything. In fact, both said that they were there on a strictly platonic basis.

Their Excuse

Photo source: http://media2.s-nbcnews.com

Dobilaite said that she needed Leuthold there to serve as her translator. Even on the stand, she stuttered her way through explanations. Nonetheless, she was able to convey everything in English despite the difficulty. More importantly, she needed the minister there because he was the one with the driver’s license. He’d drive her to the spa and pay for the services using his account, or so they said.

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