Corrupt Police Officer Frames An Innocent Man… A Few Years Later, They Become Unbelievably Good Friends.

Sharing His Worst Secrets With A Man Of God


Collins would eventually find a friend in Reverend Brian Rumor of the New Life Baptist Church in St. Joseph. He claims, “The pastor had been a police officer before he was a pastor, so I trusted him in ways that I probably wouldn’t trust other people. I went in on the 20th and just told him everything.” He continues, “For the first time from the beginning of my career I actually articulated the wrong things that I had done. And that’s really where it began with me that I wasn’t just sorry that I got caught, I was sorry for what I had actually done.”

Finding His Place In God’s Love


After hearing everything that Collins had done in his short career as a corrupt cop, the reverend then asked him if he had a relationship with Jesus. Collins shares, “I hung my head and started crying and said, ‘I don’t deserve (salvation).’ The pastor was so patient with me and he walked me through a couple verses out of Scripture that say none of us deserve saving grace. And I started to feel this hope within me.” And this is when he realized that he no longer wanted to walk through life without God in it. He even said, “My life hasn’t been roses since then.” he said. “I still had to walk through the trials, but I was able to walk through it with this renewed hope that my redemption was placed in (Jesus) and nothing else.”

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