Creepy Last Words Spoken By Notorious Criminals

Considered The Original “Hannibal Lector”


He was given many names due to the grotesqueness of his crimes, some of which were “Gray Man,” “Brooklyn Vampire,” “The Boogey Man,” and even the “Werewolf of Wysteria.” Many have likened the character of Hannibal Lector after the real life cannibal that was Albert Fish. After finally being caught for his horrific deeds, and admitting to many of them, strangely it was shared that the last statement that he said was, “I don’t even know why I’m here.”

Peter Manuel


The American-Scottish citizen, Peter Manuel, was originally born in Michigan in the United States, before moving back to Scotland in the United Kingdom at a young age. While back in his blood country, he lived a life of petty crime and thievery as a younger man. But the older he got, the more sinister his felonies became. Not only did he assault and rape women, he bludgeoned and shot them to death as well.

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