Former Child Star Turned Criminal Wanted A Sex Change So Badly, He Tried To Do It Himself

She Left Him


The day would come when Deleon’s mom could no longer take it, and she would leave her immoral life. But horribly, she would also abandon her very own son, despite knowing the kind of treatment her husband would instill on the poor boy regardless of whether she was there or not. And his childhood would only go from bad to worse.

Growing Up As A Teen In His Father’s House


Jacobson Sr.’s maltreatment didn’t stop even into Deleon’s teenage years. His father would berate him over everything, including if “he got a pimple or he didn’t have his hair combed right.” And despite his father marrying again, the abuse would continue even though he would end up with half-siblings. It was said that, “Skylar got the wrath of it all,” including toothpicks pushed underneath his fingernails, real torture processes.

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