He Broke Into Their House On Halloween Night While They Were Asleep…But That Wasn’t The Creepiest Part

Eric Copple, A Murderer

Source: https://mylifeofcrime.files.wordpress.com

A few days after the new information was released, Copple began to feel the pressure of his actions. He wrote suicide notes to his own parents and sent them through the mail. When his parents received his notes, they accosted him, after which he confessed the terrible truth. He, Eric Copple, the husband of Adriane’s best friend Lily, had murdered his wife’s best friend and roommate.

Everyone Wanted To Know, Why Did He Do It?


After Copple acknowledged the fact that he committed the murders, District Attorney Gary Lieberstien said, “He wanted Lily to be there for him. And I do think that he was resentful of other friendships that she had and time that took away from their time together. D.A. Lieberstein further explained, “He felt his relationship was slipping away with Lily.”

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