How A Crazy Coincidence Caught A Killer 32 Years After The Crime


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Jean Road was the distraught mother who wanted to find the man behind the murder. Her daughter’s body was badly maligned, and the worst part of it all was that despite the amount of evidence collected, there was no definitive answer to the case. She wanted it solved, and she wanted this done quickly. However, she didn’t expect the length of time she actually had to wait.


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The police did their job the best way they could. They started their witch-hunt immediately and interviewed hundreds of people. They tried to find blood matches, connect suspects, and check out alibis. From 1984 to 1989, Operation Rhodium was in full force. The agents arrested a total of 94 people based on the proteins found on the blood samples and investigative files. Sadly, none of them were charged based on lack of evidence.

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