Little Girl Found Something In Her Basement And Was Worried ‘She Would Be Next.’

Such A Tragedy

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Director Reed went on to explain how heartbreaking the whole situation was for Melissa. She had finally turned her life around and now she would no longer be alive to see what might have been of her and her daughter’s new life. In fact, Reed even shared, “She [Melissa] was very excited starting her life again with her little girl. For this to happen is a tragedy.”

What Now?


Many wondered what was going to happen to the innocent 7-year old now that she had no one to take care of her. Child services contacted her next of kin, who was actually an older sister of the child. Their shared mom, Melissa, had a daughter from a previous relationship who happened to live in Oklahoma City named Crystal. She was also much older than the 7-year old. Crystal shared, “I’m bringing her back to my home in OKC to raise her as my mom would have liked.”

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