Man Lives To Share Story Of How 20 People Performed CPR On Him For Over An Hour To Save His Life.

The Store Clerk Saw


Thankfully, the store clerk noticed that Howard had fallen to the ground and quickly made a call to 911 to explain the situation. Then the store owner, Don Shulte, who also happened to be there, ran over to see what kind of state Howard was in.

It Wasn’t Looking Good


When Don reached Howard to get a better look, the first thing he noticed was that Howard was passed out. Worse yet, he wasn’t breathing and he didn’t have a pulse. Then another witness who also happened to have training in CPR due to her work as a corrections officer, Candace Koehn, also happened to see the commotion and spread the word to Roy and Al Lodermeier, who happened to be right across the street in their auto shop.

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