The Mystery Of Who Betrayed Anne Frank May Finally Be Solved


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While the men are all positive that they’ll find something, Pankoke also acknowledges the fact that there might be no smoking gun. That one important piece that they need could have been destroyed, or even worse, the discovery of Anne’s hiding place could have actually been purely coincidental. Nonetheless, he also believes that he needs to continue what he’s doing because who knows, there’s also a possibility that there may be something more out there.


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While the search for Anne Frank’s traitor is still underway, Pankoke is also happy with what they’ve discovered so far. The documents they’ve collected have already given them new leads and have revealed names of Nazi moles. And whatever the case may be, he believes that Anne’s story needs some sort of closure. He believes that the ending has yet to be written, and with enough hard work, he could actually be the author to her true ending.

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