The Mystery Of Who Betrayed Anne Frank May Finally Be Solved


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Within the two years, Anne documented her experiences in a diary. She started her entries as, “Dear Kitty.” Despite being extremely young, she expressed her thoughts and emotions quite eloquently. The people in the annex were living off fake food stamps and the good souls from the outside got them their basic needs from time to time. But as they say, only two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. What does this mean?


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After two years in hiding, 15-year old Anne and her companions were caught when the people finally raided their hiding place. Their worst nightmare had finally come true. They were all sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp where Anne and Margot died of exhaustion and disease. This was in 1945, a year just before the war ended. A lot of people who have read Anne’s diary wish that the little girl could have held on a little longer. Unfortunately, life for the Jews then was difficult. Like the millions with them, Anne and her family succumbed to Nazi’s cruelty.

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