This Adopted Man Searches For Birth Parents- Finds Out His Biological Father Is Charles Manson

Finding His Mother


It took Roberts 4 years before he was finally able to find a connection to his biological mother. He was able to speak to someone from the agency about the time of his adoption. During an interview where he talked about it, he said: “I spoke to the woman who worked for the adoption agency at the time and was still working there, and she tried to warn me about my mother – that she was a little mentally ill, I guess.” But that didn’t stop him from investigating further.

Her Name Was Terry


Matthew found out that his mom’s name was Terry, and she gave him up right after giving birth to him. And what began as a few letters written back and forth between the two would slowly begin to reveal what was going to a be a shock, unlike anything Roberts had experienced before. Matthew reveals about his birth mom, “She seemed perfectly normal to me, talking about cats and growing rhubarb in her garden, and seemed like just a hippie. But then it became pretty clear at a certain point that she did have some mental problems that progressively worsened…”

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