23 Year Old Woman Becomes Youngest Grandmother

Mum-Zi, 17

Source: http://static1.therichestimages.com

This particular story is said to have happened in the 1800’s, so it’s not sure whether it’s true or not. Supposedly, Mum-Zi was only 8 when she had her first daughter. Then her daughter went on to get pregnant and have her first child at 9, making Mum-Zi supposedly the youngest grandmother at the shocking age of 17-years. But there has been no guarantee that this story is even true or not.

Baby Blessings

Source: http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com

Although there’s no real age limit as to when a person becomes a grandparent, what is known is that there are certain joys that come with it, despite the circumstances that get you there. Whatever the background story is into how one became a grandparent, one quote tends to ring true, “Grandchildren are the gifts of yesterday, the pride of today and the joy of tomorrow.”

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