3 Kids Let Hysterical Woman Inside Their Home, Moments Later Her Crazy Attacker Set The House On Fire…

Posting On Facebook

Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk

When police started looking further into his background, they found a few strange messages on his Facebook page. Just a few minutes before his altercation with State police which would eventually end his life, eerily he had posted as his status from his cellphone, “Well folks Im about to get shot. Peace.”

Another Post

Source: http://wnem.images.worldnow.com

Then as they searched for even more evidence, investigators also said they saw another strange post. This time, it was written on the wall of one of his friends, and it said, “It’s been real, bro, wish I could have hung with you once last time. Love you, brother.” It made police wonder if he had made plans to do something that would cause him to truly lose his life.

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