3 Kids Let Hysterical Woman Inside Their Home, Moments Later Her Crazy Attacker Set The House On Fire…

She Was Victimized

Source: https://media.ed.edmunds-media.com

According to the victim, she was forced inside her own SUV. The man, who held her at gunpoint, bound her hands with tape and drove her out of Detroit to what was said to be his mother’s house. When they got inside the house, he proceeded to rape her. After, he put her back in the car and then told her that he was going to kill her. This is when she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Jumping Out Of The Car

Source: http://uplift.theepochtimes.com

While back on the road, the victim, who has not been identified for security reasons, decided to open the door of the moving vehicle and jump out. Thankfully, she was able to get to the Persyn residence, where James III let her in, which in turn would save her life.

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