3 Kids Let Hysterical Woman Inside Their Home, Moments Later Her Crazy Attacker Set The House On Fire…

Rushing Home

Source: https://cdnimg.in

Fearing for the life of his children, James Jr. rushed home to get to his kids, telling his fiancée to continue talking to James III until he got home to them. Persyn Jr. had the smart idea to ‘surprise the intruder on his way home’, thinking he could catch him before he could harm his kids.

Trying To Surprise The Intruder

Source: http://www.ntd.tv

James Jr. shares, “I cut my lights off within a tenth of a mile, hoping to catch this person outside.” But when he got home, he was going to be the one utterly surprised. Upon his arrival, the intruder was nowhere to be found, but he says what he did find, “The bottom of my house aglow.”

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