33 Years After Teen’s Disappearance, Man Calls TV Station With Grisly Confession…


For Carrie Ann’s parents, this news was both devastating and relieving. “She spent two of her birthdays underneath that porch,” Tousignant said.

“I didn’t want to know [she was dead], yet somehow I knew it would be best if the whole thing would just end,” she said at the time. Little did she know, the end and the truth were still very far off.


Fast-forwarding to October 2015, Jose Ferreira called to tell his wife that he was involved in a decades-old murder mystery that had haunted him ever since the incident occurred. Apparently, Ferreira had decided to confess to the murder as a way to bring his wife back, who said she would be filing for divorce shortly before the confession. He believed that the notoriety might make her stay with him.

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