Autistic Man Wandered The Desert For 3 Weeks, And Stayed Alive On Frogs And River Water.

He Understands His Mistake


Spokesperson Bronson explained to reporters, “He made the mistake ‘I know what I am doing and I will be OK.’ There are many who have done that and paid the price.” Oldfield also said, “The fact that he was alive at all was incredible, and that he was conscious, cognizant and coherent was miraculous.”

Dedicated And Determined


Although the family got slack for allowing William to go on the hike in the first place, Lisa said, “This is something he really, really wanted and we supported him. Things just didn’t go how they needed to go, unfortunately. But thank God he was found and thank God he’s getting treatment and getting better.” Lisa also believes that it was thanks to his autism that kept him alive but it made him ‘very focused and determined.’ She said, “I think that’s what got him to survive because he was so dedicated and he didn’t want to give up.” And they were incredibly thankful for that.

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