20+ Editing Fails from Hollywood Blockbusters that You Probably Missed

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)


In one scene from the movie, Principal Rooney, played by Jeffrey Duncan Jones, is seen approaching a school bus parked on an unpaved, grassy curb. In the succeeding frame, we see that the curb has magically sprouted a concrete sidewalk where, just a second ago, there was none!

Braveheart (1995)

Source: https://stefanopaolillo.files.wordpress.com

In the epic 1995 movie directed by Mel Gibson, William Wallace (played by the director himself) is seen leading an army of Scottish highlanders in the Battle of Stirling. Wallace is first seen wielding a hatchet of sorts and as the scene transitioned to the mob running to attack the enemy, the axe is nowhere to be found! The camera changes angle once again but this time the hero is seen holding a long sword.

It doesn’t end there.

With another scene change, Wallace is once again seen running with his axe, and as if by magic, the next scene sees him attacking an enemy soldier with, guess what, his long sword!

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