20+ Editing Fails from Hollywood Blockbusters that You Probably Missed

The Godfather (1972)

Source: https://thoughtcatalog.com

Even Francis Ford Coppola’s film adaptation of Mario Puzo’s crime bestseller, The Godfather, wasn’t free of editing slip-ups. In the scene where Sonny Corleone, played by James Caan, was ambushed in a toll gate on his way to confront his brother-in-law, audience see his car peppered with bullets, riddling the automobile with holes and shattering the windshield. He gets out of the car, collapses on the pavement, dead but surprisingly, the windshield of his car is still seen without any crack at all.

Hot Fuzz (2007)

Source: https://www.moviequotesandmore.com

The buddy-cop flick from 2007 starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost also has an editing fail so obvious that it boggles the mind how it slipped past the producers. In the climactic scene after a car chase set in what seems to be a countryside, the two main characters are seen looking out into an empty field with a damaged patrol car wedged on a fence in the foreground. When the scene changes, not only is the patrol car missing but the fence is also in one piece. Not only that, a magical full-grown tree seems to appear out of nowhere too! Makes us wonder just how long those two were standing there.”

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