20+ Editing Fails from Hollywood Blockbusters that You Probably Missed

Jurassic Park (1993)

Source: https://thr.com

In probably the most intense scene from the 1993 science fiction flick, the tour vehicles come to a halt after a massive power outage causes the whole island’s main control system to shut down. The outage not only disables the vehicles but also turns off the electrified fence that separates them from the Tyrannosaurus Rex enclosure. Surely, the behemoth goes through the fence and wreaks havoc on the both vehicles, even pushing one of them over a deep ledge. Oddly enough, the same ledge where the T-Rex came through was the very same one the SUV fell from. Now how could’ve the T-Rex climbed up that vertical wall before attacking the convoy considering the height that the SUV fell?

Commando (1985)

Source: https://i.ytimg.com

In the 1985 action flick Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an ex military badass who deals some serious payback to some bad guys from his past who kidnap his daughter. In a car chase scene, Col. Matrix catches up with one of his enemy’s henchmen who drives a Porche which gets banged up in the ensuing chase. After he questions and tosses the bad guy off a cliff, the camera shows the car in pristine shape. Wish I had repairs done on my car that fast!

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