Ex-FBI Agent Targets Daughter’s Husband. Police Expose Dark Secrets…

Her Father Never Liked Jason

Source: http://www.irishexaminer.com

Plus, there were also rumors that Molly’s father, Thomas, never really liked Jason. He knew Jason to be rowdy, have rowdy friends, and he enjoyed his alcohol a little too much. Thomas was also known to be quite protective of his daughter, but because he respected her wishes, he never interfered in her relationship with the Irishman. But still, this didn’t mean that he approved of their marriage, or even liked his son-in-law much.

Wanting Her To Divorce Him

Source: http://cdn-01.independent.ie/

Supposedly, Molly’s father Thomas wanted her to get a divorce from Jason. Whether he knew about the supposed abuse or not was never made clear, but what was clear was that Thomas would do anything to protect his daughter. Some even went on to say that one of Thomas’s colleagues had claimed that he hated his son-in-law. JoAnn Lowry, who had worked with Thomas in their hometown in Tennessee, shared that she heard him say, “we’re always glad to see them come home, but we’re also glad to see them leave,” talking about when Molly, her husband, and his kids would come to visit them in Molly’s hometown of Tennessee.

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