Ex-FBI Agent Targets Daughter’s Husband. Police Expose Dark Secrets…

Was It Murder Or Self-Defense?

Source: http://cdn.extra.ie

According to both father and daughter, the events that took place where all done in self-defense. It would seem that this was not the first time that Jason had become physical with his wife. Jason had strangled Molly more than once as she explained to police, sometimes as they would argue, and other times during sex. But it supposedly happened enough for Molly to pass out at times, and enough for her to be fearful for her life. So this time, both she and her father took matters into their own hands and ended Jason’s life before he could end hers.

Did She Have A Motive For His Death?

Source: http://dailyentertainmentnews.com

During the direct aftermath of the horrible death of Jason, many began to wonder if Molly had a motive for killing her husband. Some had said that there was a life insurance policy worth $600,000 for Jason, while she was the main beneficiary. So could it have been for the money? Others had said it was because she wanted to adopt the children, but Jason was always against it, and he wanted to move back to Ireland with the kids and leave her. And yet, this seemed a highly unlikely reason.

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