For 6 Hours She Allowed People To Use Her Body At Their Own Discretion. She Couldn’t Have Known The Horrors They Would Do.

Doing Performance Art Even While Living Under Her Parents’ Roof


Since her mom had such a stronghold over her life, Marina would perform her first few shows even while still living under her parents’ roof. In fact she shares, “[All] the performances in Yugoslavia I did before 10 o’clock in the evening because I had to be home then. It’s completely insane, but all of my cutting myself, whipping myself, burning myself, almost losing my life in the firestar, everything was done before 10 in the evening.”

Rhythm 0


One of her most moving and harrowing experiences as a performance artist was her piece entitled Rhythm 0, which she did in 1974. It would be a life defining moment that would change the way she saw the world, and probably also how the world saw people. She had already done four different shows, and while many of them were quite disturbing, nothing would come close to her latest show. And what happened there would bring a wide range of emotions to both the audience, and more so to the performer.

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