He Knocked On The Door Naked, Muddy, And Asking For Help, All Because He Had Just Taken 4 Lives

So What Happened?

Source: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/

Orion called his mom on Friday morning, September 8, the same day that the murder took place, to ask for a ride back from Boston. Concerned for his safety, she picked him up and drove him back to his grandparents’ home, which is when he proceeded to kill them all.

More Strange Details

Source: https://i.ytimg.com/

Even more strange details emerged as the investigation was underway. Orion’s school professor from Oberlin, Jamey Haddad’s wife called the police to tell them that Orion had actually called her husband. She would explain, “Krause stated to Haddad that he ‘had done something bad,’ and had stolen some money and his mother’s car.”

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