He Knocked On The Door Naked, Muddy, And Asking For Help, All Because He Had Just Taken 4 Lives

Insanity Plea

Source: http://cdn.lifedaily.com/

Attorney Wayland continued, “At the end of the day, I think mental illness will be the explanation for this event.” And while, in the first few appearances in court, Orion seemed to show no emotion at all, during one of his last appearances, it was shared that he actually seemed to ‘choke up’ as he entered his “not guilty” plea when asked about killing his very own mother.

Remembering Buffy

Source: http://media.graytvinc.com/

While the trial is still on going, an entire community also continues to mourn for the loss of some of their most beloved residents, Orion included. During a memorial service for those murdered, the deacon of St. Brendan the Navigator Church, Bob Cleveland, expressed his sympathy as he shared, “We come together to share the experience of pain and suffering that we never saw coming and can never understand.”

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