He Knocked On The Door Naked, Muddy, And Asking For Help, All Because He Had Just Taken 4 Lives

Why Was He Naked?

Source: https://cbsboston.files.wordpress.com/

After Alcocer was able to safely get the obviously deranged guy out of their house, he asked Orion, “Where are your clothes?” Orion simply replied, “I left them in the woods,” after which he continued with, “I need my sleeping pills.” Then, doing the only thing he could think to do, Alcocer immediately called the cops to tell them what was going on.

Thinking He Was A Troubled Kid

Source: http://www.bostonherald.com/

Incredibly, the Alcocer’s were able to remain as calm as possible while waiting for the police to arrive at their home. Alcocer explained, “He looked like a nice kid who needed help; he was skinny [and] tall. I thought he was the victim of a prank, or an accident or had a mental health problem. He wasn’t bleeding profusely or anything.”

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