He Was Born Without A Lower Spine, But He Didn’t Let That Stop Him From Doing The Impossible…

Requiring A Lot Of Funds

Source: https://expertbeacon.com/

According to the McNamara’s, “Having Jett costs us a lot more money than the average child, he’s got to constantly go to see specialists in Melbourne and then he’s got operations and sometimes we’re going down once a week to see specialists in Melbourne so even the cost of traveling and all the rest is very hard as well.”

Needing A Special Wheelchair

Source: http://lghttp.30059.nexcesscdn.net/

With the complications of Jett’s special case, he also requires a specialized wheelchair that best suits him and his needs. The problem is, it was going to cost almost $5,000 for the chair alone. It was a lot of extra money that the family didn’t have to spare. But luckily, they were in for another wonderful surprise.

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